Guidelines for Administration of Standing Committees


  1. Respond to direction of the Board of Directors and address assigned tasks to meet the goals of WASHTO.
  2. Attend meetings as necessary to accomplish work plan.
  3. Plan and sponsor a work plan that should include a high quality technical session at the WASHTO Annual Meeting. Solicit assistance from Board of Directors Sponsor to increase attendance at technical session.
  4. Prepare an annual written report summarizing the progress of the work plan and other activities of the Committee to the Secretary/Treasurer (at least 30 days prior to the Spring Board of Directors Meeting).


  1. Coordinate Committee goals and single page work plan with sponsor.
  2. Coordinate with sponsor to schedule meetings as needed to accomplish work plan, utilizing teleconferencing and opportunities to meet at AASHTO meetings where members are in attendance to cut down on travel expense.
  3. Coordinate meeting agendas with sponsor.
  4. Plan and sponsor technical session at WASHTO Annual Meeting. Solicit assistance from Committee sponsor to increase attendance of technical session.
  5. Submit an annual written report summarizing the progress of the work plan and other Committee activities to the Secretary/Treasurer (at least 30 days prior to the Spring Board of Directors Meeting) for review at the Spring Board of Directors Meeting.
  6. Submit Committee Resolutions to the Resolutions Committee through the Standing Committee Sponsor.


  1. Solicit a single page work plan from the Committee Chair and encourage Committee to include in their work plan that should include a high quality technical session at the WASHTO Annual Meeting.
  2. Sponsor will present the work plan annually to the Board of Directors and communicate any direction the Board of Directors would have back to the Committee Chair.
  3. Encourage Committee to hold meetings as needed to accomplish work plan (should utilize teleconferencing and opportunities to meet at AASHTO Meeting where members are in attendance to cut down on travel expenses).
  4. Attend Committee Meetings when possible (attendance is not mandatory).
  5. Encourage Committee to submit annual written report summarizing the progress of work plan and other activities to the Secretary/Treasurer (at least 30 days prior to the Spring Board of Directors Meeting). Review report with Board of Directors.
  6. Review Standing Committee Resolution and forward with appropriate recommendations to the Resolutions Committee (preferably at least 30 days prior to the Spring Board of Directors Meeting).
  7. Advise Board of Directors of progress of the Standing Committee.
  8. Explain/support resolutions at Spring Board of Directors Meeting as needed.

Note: Board of Directors is comprised of the WASHTO Chief Executive Officers (CEOs).

*Committee Chairs are elected by each Committee from among their members, and are subsequently ratified by the Board of Directors.

**Committee Sponsors are appointed by the WASHTO President and subsequently ratified by the Board of Directors